Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Following, Season Two.... it continues....

Ok, so I was completely fooled by FOX thinking that there was going to be a COMPLETE two hour season premiere. Instead, they had a half hour segment and then went into the first episode. Woe was me.

So, I've been writhing in agony waiting for the next episode, since the first episode left us with such a cliff-hanger. The Following is good about that, keeping people on the edge of their seats the whole season, no real filler episodes, but even if there are some, you still are left biting your nails.

Lets give a big round of applause for Arlene from True Blood. She can't stop dating serial killers, can she? 

This is no longer a spoiler, if you haven't seen the first episode, but I knew that Joe Carroll would still be alive. However, I didn't expect him to be living in some backwoods community in Arkansas. The beard might be enough to fool a few, but it didn't fool a reverend in this new episode. And it was his un-doing. It was also a reformation of Joe Carroll's self, in my opinion. It's been over a year since he's really killed someone. The reverend is his first post-mortem kill. But I feel as though this one act will bring his presence to light.

Ryan Hardy, on the other hand, knows that Carroll is still alive. He knows that the news is still getting to him, and he will eventually make his presence known again.

The young FBI agent played by Shawn Ashmore, Mike Weston, is headstrong in his fight against the Carroll Cult, that he is blind to the fact that Hardy knows more than he is letting on, but I feel as though by the end of the second episode, Weston catches on a little more.

The second season is proving to be very intriguing. I can't wait to see what else Kevin Williamson has in store for us.

Peace and Love,


PS: Yeah, I used a lot of the same pics as the last blog. So what? I don't want to show too much of the new episode. :-P

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