Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The next two weeks.....

Calls for the finales of some of my favorite shows. American Horror Story, Marvel: Agents of SHIELD, and Dracula. (However, Dracula has already finished, I add it to this collection because I've been watching it with the rest of them, so they are a collection in themselves, somewhat. And I will write a finale episode section when I am ready).

I write about my favorite television shows. It's probably not that worthwhile for a lot of people to read, but it is an outlet for me to express my feelings about something. I live a day-to-day existence, doing each menial task in a monotonous manner, waiting for the day to end and then go home and wait for the next day to start the same menial tasks over and over and over and over.

That is human existence. We live vicariously through these television shows. What is the harm in that? We live the same way through books and other stories. We put ourselves in some other world where someone else is in danger, not you. Not the physical you, at least. Perhaps the "mental" you.

We live in a world of black and white, in my opinion. However, I can tell between the dark and the light. Others have a harder time distinguishing the two. I see the dark because I'm looking for it. Others don't see it because they are completely unaware of how much terror there really is in the world.

I'm not devoid of emotion, but I know when and when not to express things. I have a big family, and they're all so involved with one another, it's hard to escape their grasp.

I live within my own walls. I don't let many people in, and if you are let in, you are one of the few, so feel grateful.

Peace and Love


The Following, Season Two.... it continues....

Ok, so I was completely fooled by FOX thinking that there was going to be a COMPLETE two hour season premiere. Instead, they had a half hour segment and then went into the first episode. Woe was me.

So, I've been writhing in agony waiting for the next episode, since the first episode left us with such a cliff-hanger. The Following is good about that, keeping people on the edge of their seats the whole season, no real filler episodes, but even if there are some, you still are left biting your nails.

Lets give a big round of applause for Arlene from True Blood. She can't stop dating serial killers, can she? 

This is no longer a spoiler, if you haven't seen the first episode, but I knew that Joe Carroll would still be alive. However, I didn't expect him to be living in some backwoods community in Arkansas. The beard might be enough to fool a few, but it didn't fool a reverend in this new episode. And it was his un-doing. It was also a reformation of Joe Carroll's self, in my opinion. It's been over a year since he's really killed someone. The reverend is his first post-mortem kill. But I feel as though this one act will bring his presence to light.

Ryan Hardy, on the other hand, knows that Carroll is still alive. He knows that the news is still getting to him, and he will eventually make his presence known again.

The young FBI agent played by Shawn Ashmore, Mike Weston, is headstrong in his fight against the Carroll Cult, that he is blind to the fact that Hardy knows more than he is letting on, but I feel as though by the end of the second episode, Weston catches on a little more.

The second season is proving to be very intriguing. I can't wait to see what else Kevin Williamson has in store for us.

Peace and Love,


PS: Yeah, I used a lot of the same pics as the last blog. So what? I don't want to show too much of the new episode. :-P

Monday, January 20, 2014

Season Two: The Following. It has begun.

I just finished the first episode of the second season of The Following. I knew that Joe Carroll was not dead. I called it when the first season ended. Sorry for the spoiler, but if you've watched the commercials, you'd have seen that it was quite obvious that Joe Carroll was not dead. How else would there be a story to go on with?

All I have to say is: Thank God there is another episode tomorrow night.

Now that it's been said, let's get on with the analysis of the first episode of this new season.

First of all, Emma's new look is completely ridiculous. I understand she's trying to be someone entirely different from who she was before, but still, the punk rock look doesn't suit her.

I was impressed with the masks they had going on. They had the Poe masks in the first season, and now they have the Carroll masks in the second season. I don't know if Carroll had any idea about this or not yet, but my instincts are telling me this is a sign for things to come.

I was disappointed to hear that Claire was dead, but it gives the story more depth and a reason for Kevin Bacon's character to hate Joe Carroll even more than he did before. Bacon's character knows that Carroll is still alive.

All this stuff, all the killing, one year later, is a little cliche. Especially having the girl set up like that, at the end, with Carroll's book in her hands, The Lighthouse.

I feel as though this season might top the first. I thoroughly enjoyed the first season, and I'm excited and anxious to see how to things unfold.



Sunday, January 19, 2014


Tonight, one of my favorite shows, The Following, returns to television. I'm quite excited and will post about the first part of the two-night season premier. But until then.....

New Beginnings; New Year

Ok, so I originally had a very nice thing talking about how I started out writing, but then it deleted (even though I copied it so I could paste it on here). Alas. I shall try to recount from memory.

I've known I wanted to be a writer since I was in second grade. I wrote a story about a Christmas tree. It was cliche (from what I recall), the tree was with a lot of other trees, (in an Xmas tree lot) but was getting passed over. It wanted to get chosen, as all the other trees did. (Perhaps a little existential for a second grader, but I'm writing what I remember it was about.) In the end, the tree was chosen and everyone lived happily ever after. The end.

Speaking of Existentialism: (Pic: Top: Kierkegaard and Dostoyevsky. Bottom:
Nietzsche and Satre). In order.

Someone I knew through middle school and high school died recently. I think he was murdered, drug related, from what I hear. Some people are saying they are surprised this happened. From what I remember of this kid from school, before he was expelled, he was pretty into drugs. I always stick to the green. I might experiment with other things, but it's only for the experience.

The one clear memory I have of this guy who died is from middle school. We were in the same English or Reading class, something like that. I had raised my hand, and he had apparently looked down my shirt because he made fun of me having a mole in my armpit. A silly memory, but it's what I got.  (Pic of him I found on Facebook. RIP H.M,)

A friend of mine said: "Life's too short you guys. Live it happy. Live it with the ones that love you. That's all that matters anyways." She did say this after the person I mentioned above was murdered. I agree with her though, wholeheartedly. I've had a lot of bad things happen to me in my life, and I've always had this kind of mindset, although I've been too reserved as of late. I think I'm getting too old to be reckless.

I know this blog has not been all about television, but sometimes the things that life brings you can be crazier than television. Also, I've been thinking about my life as a whole. I haven't been writing or reading, which is what makes me the happiest, but I don't have any time to do those things. I've been reading the same book since Sept. I can usually finish a book in less than a week. Thus proving that I work too much to enjoy myself. 

I watch my shows when I find the time. Still working on Agents of SHIELD, Dracula and American Horror Story: Coven. These shows are the only thing that give me pleasure during the week, and I'm assuming that some of them will be over soon. 

COVEN: I have a new theory on who the new supreme will be: Queenie. It would be perhaps the most unexpected. But others might say it sounds too cliche. Everything is cliche these days, no matter what it is.  

As for those other two shows, I can't really say what will happen. Marvel always surprises. 

The people who are writing this version of the Dracula story have turned Dracula into Nikola Tesla a little bit. He plays an American entrepreneur in the electricity race, but Dracula (aka Alexander Grayson) seems to be a step ahead of the game. Another cliche, but probably true (for Tesla), secret societies began boycotts against Tesla's work. 

I mean, who wouldn't want free energy with no radiation to worry about? Geo-magnetic energy has no harmful properties, but people put down Tesla back in the day because they were too afraid. (I'm talking about the real Tesla now, by the way). He found a way to create free, never-ending energy that was not harmful to people, but he got shut down. He was said to have wanted to use the Geo-magnetic force fields as weapons. So Tesla was shut down. But, if we could access that kind of power, we wouldn't have to use oil anymore. 

Think: If cars were able to run by just this Geo-magnetic energy. Homes, entire buildings, apartment buildings, businesses, etc, running off the energy that could be generated Geo-magnetically. A never-ending mass of energy that just continuously flows. We could build cars that would run off that energy. We could build entire communities from this kind of advancement too. Forget hybrid. Forget gas mileage. The car would run depending on the magnetic pull, I'd assume. 

Perhaps I'm just getting ahead of myself. I'm wishing that things had gone differently in our past. I wish people hadn't treated Tesla like a crazy person. He had some good ideas. If they had taken his ideas seriously, what would our lives be like now? The idea of that could be crazier than the idea of space travel. Or would it have helped increase the possibility for further space travel? I have no idea about that stuff. I have a degree in English. I only ask questions like "What if?"

peace and love,
